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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tucson Attractions Coupon Book Only $9


Looks like a pretty cool book and deal!

GO HERE TO PURCHASE  A TUCSON Attractions Passport for $9

$9 for a Tucson Attractions Passport ($19.25 Value)
The Tucson Attractions Passport grants its holder multifarious discounts and two-for-one admission at some of the most well-known sites throughout southern Arizona. Spots such as the Tucson Botanical Gardens or Biosphere 2 immerse visitors in the essence of the Southwest, and over the course of the year, passport holders can delve into history at the Colossal Cave Mountain Park or Tombstone Courthouse.

Southern Arizona Attractions Alliance

Seeking to promote the region's beautiful and historic attractions to the world, Southern Arizona Attractions Alliance equips its members with discounts and specialty rates to 50 of the area's iconic sites. Locals and visitors alike receive a discount card, which works as a passport for those desiring access to the DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun or the Bisbee Mining and Historical Museum, among other sightseeing hallmarks. The alliance also reaches out to tourists by promoting area hotels and historic ranges, designing detailed maps, and maintaining a calendar of events such as western activities and stargazing.


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