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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tucson Happenings June 29th-July 1st, 2012 50 Family-friendly Events!

FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
What:Found Poems Presented by Marge Pellegrino. We'll be digging through destroyed dictionaries, cutting letters from bold headlines, we'll borrow words, share and think up our own from prompts thrown out to inspire. You become the boss of the words that end up in your hand. For kids and teens 8 and over. Space limited. First Come First Serve. Tickets will be distributed starting 1 hour before the program.
When:2-3pm FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Himmel Park Library

What:Spin, Pop, Boom Presented by Mad Science. Spectacular science edu-tainment.
When:11am-12noon FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Kirk Bear Canyon Library

What:Reptile Ramble- Learn the essentials in understanding reptiles- free with admission- more info call 520-742-6455
When:10am-11am FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Tohono Chul Park 7366 N. paseo del Norte
Cost:free with admission to the park

What:Click Club Attention Summer Reading Passport holders! Drop in to the Click Club to fulfill some of the activities on the list of 100 or just drop in for fun. You’ll learn to take a virtual tour of a museum, download a song on Freegal, or discover an online story.
When:10am-12noonFRIDAY, June 29, 2012  
Where:Nanini Library

What:Aspire! Anime Superhero Presented by TeenzArt. Learn the art of anime-style drawing and create your own superhero design.
When:2-3pm FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Murphy Wilmot Library

What:Hunters and Hunted Meet the carnivores of the desert and their prey. Space is limited to the first 40 kids who arrive that day. Get your free ticket at the service desk beginning at 1:30pm.
When:2-3pm FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Dusenberry River Library

What:Family Movie Night Join us after the library closes for a family friendly movie and popcorn. See branch for monthly movie titles.
FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Flowing Wells Library

What:Summer Reading Activities Summer Reading Activities Join us at the Flowing Wells Branch Library and complete a few of the 100 Activities listed in your Summer Reading Passport! All materials will be provided and all ages are welcome.Plant a seed and check out seeds from the seed library.
When:10-12 noon
FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
 Where:Flowing Wells library

What:Storytunes, an hour long musical extravaganza for the kids! We'll play games, read stories and sing all kinds of fun songs!! The program tends to aim more towards toddlers, but all kids are welcome!
When:10-11am  FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Bookmans Ina

What: Kids Movie Kung Fu Panda 2
When:9:45am  FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:5455 S. Calle Santa Cruz, Tucson, AZ - (520) 889-5588
Cost:$2 for everybody

What:Kids Movie Rango and Hoodwinked 2
When:10am  FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:5755 W Arizona Pavilions Drive, Tucson, AZ 85743 520-579-0500
Cost:Free to kids 10 an dunder all others $2

What: Kids Movie Puss In Boots and Smurfs
When:10am FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Grand Cinema Crossroads on Grant 4811 E. Grant Road,
Cost:free for kids and $2 for adults

What:Free Movie Dairy of a Wimpy Kid:Rodrick Rules
When:11am  FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Oracle View 4690 N. Oracle Road
Cost:free for kids- All other 42 and snack packs $4.50
What:Elemental Artistry Fire Dancing! Come see amazing fire dancers and all their tricks!
When:7pm  FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Sky Bar 536 N. 4th Avenue
 Cost:FREE to watch (drinks and food vary)

What:Grab Bag 100 activities is a lot to choose from--try a few at a time every Friday afternoon this summer. We will dabble in science, art, storytelling, games and more!
Teen volunteers will be on hand to help out. For ages 4 and up.
When:2-4pm FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Joel Valdez Main Library
What: Wild West Stunt Show at Trail Dust Town
When:7pm, 8pm and 9pm showings
FRIDAY, June 29, 2012  
Where:Trail Dust Town 6541 E. Tanque Verde
Cost:FREE- donations accepted
 What:Late Night Cult Classic, THE NEVERENDING STORY. Screens ;

When:Friday at 10pm FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:The Loft Cinema 3233 E Speedway Blvd
Cost: Cult Classics Admission $6.00; Loft Members $5.00

What:Summer Safari Nights- Reid Park Zoo is starting there weekly summer nights this Friday!Relax in the cooler temperatures, enjoy viewing you favorite animals, get an up close and personal encounter with one of our animal ambassadors and enjoy games, crafts and face painting for the kids.
Where:Reid Park Zoo
When:5-8pm  FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Cost:$7.50 per adult and $5 per child (ages 2- 12). Kids under 2 are free
What:Back to the Past A melodramatic spoof taken after Back to the Future
When:6pm FRIDAY, June 29, 2012
Where:Gaslight Theatre 7010 E. Broadway
Cost:Tickets $17.95 with various discounts

SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012 
 What:Special Showing of Brave The new i97-5 invites you to join us at Tower Theatres near Cortaro and I-10 on Saturday, June 30th at 10:30am for a special showing of BRAVE - just $5.  plus 97c popcorn or large drink coupon here:
When:10:30am  SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Tower Theatres near Cortaro and I-10
Cost:$5 plus 97c popcorn

What:Brave Activities at Disney Store Join Disney Store in-store activities as we celebrate the upcoming release of Brave in theaters June 22!*Minimum age for participation is 3 years. Event limited per session based on store capacity. No lineups prior to 30 minutes before event begins. Event subject to change or cancellation without notice. Call store for more information.
When:Saturday, June  30: 10:30am - 12:30pm
Where:Disney Stores (Tucson Mall) Check your location

What:Make and take a craft Canada theme with purchase  Ages 3 and up.
When:1-4pm  SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Michael's Craft Stores
Cost:FREE with purchase

What:Craft-apalooza at Bookmans Ina Whats better than having fun making music and doing something good for our planet? Nothing! Come use your imagination by making musical instruments out of recycled materials! The sky is the limit as to what you can create, so come show us your musical talents AND your creative skills as we help our planet!
When:1-2pm  SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Bookmans Ina
What:Science Saturday Join us every Saturday from 2-3pm during Summer Reading (June 02-July 21) for a free science program! This is a fun, interactive science-oriented program for all ages. With a different topic every week, you’re sure to find something you’ll love.
When:2-3pm  SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Martha  Cooper Library
What:Summer Saturday Evening~Desert Storms and Music
Lightning and thunder create their own symphonies and light shows. Join us to learn about taking spectacular photos of lightening and listen to music created by ancient flute playing.6:30 - 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 - 8:00 p.m.Warden Oasis Theater Lobby - Electricity DemonstrationsLearn about the science of electricity and how it relates to lightning with our friends from Flandrau Science Center at the University of Arizona. It's a hair-raising experience!7:00 - 7:30 p.mTo see the entire schedule of events go HERE
When:4-9pm  SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum 2021 North Kinney Road
Cost:Discounted admission after 4pm of $7.00 ($3:00 for 6-12) Free 5 and under

What: Wild West Stunt Show at Trail Dust Town
When:7pm, 8pm and 9pm showings
  SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012 
 Where:Trail Dust Town 6541 E. Tanque Verde
Cost:FREE- donations accepted

 What:The Three Little Pigs," a Mildred & Dildred classic!  Be sure  not to dilly-dally... the cupcake supply is limited!  And as always, the play is fun and free for all ages.  And not to worry, our version is not scary- there will be no nightmares on our watch!
When:Show starts at 10:30am- Free cupcakes at 10am SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Mildred and Dildred La Encantada

What:Kids Safety Event There will be fingerprinting, crime prevention and online safety, as well as water safety.  The idea behind this event it to teach children how to be safe and to educate parents on important things that are happening around the community.
When:9am-1pm SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Grace Church Grace Community Church (9755 N. La Cholla Blvd)

What:FREE CPR Lessons from Rural-Metro Fire Dept. Rural-Metro is offering four FREE CPR lessons this summer, as part of News 4 Tucson Kristi’s Kids Lifesaver 2012. Classes will be held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Class space is limited to 24 people per class, so please only sign up if you intend on going. We will send you a confirmation e-mail one week before the lesson.
When:9am-1pm SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:RMFD Operations Center: 3759 N. Commerce Drive.

What: Lego Robotics Discover simple robotics using Lego RCX Mindstorms. Ages 8-18. Registration required.
When:2-4pm SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Kirk bear Canyon Library

What:Silly Tassie at Bookmans Ina We've got a real treat for our customers today! Our wonderful friend Silly Tassie will be joining us during our weekly Craft-apalooza and will be making paper puppet farm animals. After craft time Silly Tassie will be painting faces and her friend, Mr. Green Jeans, will be doing a musical sing-along for all to enjoy! We'll be dancing, singing, and having a blast! Beat the heat and join our fun filled day!
When:2-3pm SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Bookmans Ina

What:Back to the Past A melodramatic spoof taken after Back to the Future
When:6pm  SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Gaslight Theatre 7010 E. Broadway
Cost:Tickets $17.95 with various discounts

What:Late Night Cult Classic, THE NEVERENDING STORY. Screens ;
When:Saturday 10am and 10pm SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:The Loft Cinema 3233 E Speedway Blvd
Cost: Cult Classics Admission $6.00; Loft Members $5.00

What:Tucson Padres will have a fireworks show after the game against the Salt Lake City bees:)
When:7:05 game time SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Kino Stadium

What:Classic Car Show. Trophies are awarded in several categories and dash pins are given to the first seventy-five cars registered. Friends and families gather to enjoy the great “Happy Days” atmosphere which offers live DJ entertainment. The kids have lots of fun with the hoola-hoops, bubble gum blowing contests, the bunny hop and a jumping castle!
Where:Little Anthony's Diner 7010 E. Broadway

SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012

What:Arizona Virtual Academy Summer Kids Club There will be art and craft projects, face painters and kids will be able to sign up for membership including free membership bags.
When:11am SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Barnes and Noble 5130 E. Broadway, Tucson, AZ 85711, 520-512-1166

 What:WORMSHOP: Let Worms Eat Your Garbage It’s hands-on with red wigglers. You’ll go home with a complete 10-gallon worm composting system and one pound of composting worms, bedding for them to live in, the book “Worms Eat My Garbage” and everything you need to know to succeed. Presented by Vermillion Wormery TM. Register Online
When:Sat. June 30, 10 a.m. to noon
Where:Tucson Botanical Gardens. All Rights Reserved. 2150 North Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712 (map)
Cost:$14, $7 members plus materials fee of $55 for worm composting system.

What:$1 Ice Cream Red White and Blue Get a scoop with topping for a buck!
When:1-3pm SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Sunflower 4645 E. Speedway

What: Hands On Science Rocket Build Workshop Presented by Mad Science.Kids will get to make their own model rocket that they get to take home! They will also receive instructions on how to start into rocketry with their parents, even how to launch the rocket that they just built. Attendance is limited to 25 participants. Get here early!
When:11am-1pm SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Miller Golf Links Library

What: Puppet Show!Our puppet shows will be performed this summer by our 5th & 6th grade puppeteers and will include audience participation with songs and musical instruments. Get your free ticket at the service desk 30 minutes prior to showtime. All ages welcome!
When:11am SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Dusenberry River Library

 What: Write It Down!Presented by Marge Pellegrino. Writing gives us power. Try your hand at three journaling techniques that will spice up your diary and offer a means to discover more insights into yourself. For teens and adults.Space is limited, and registration is required. Please call 594-5420 beginning June 1 to register.
When:1-3pm SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Murphy- Wilmot Library

What: Puppets Alive!Presented by Gwen Ray's Hanuman Puppet Theatre. Learn about the 5 basic kinds of puppets used in the world of puppets! Meet them all at this fun suitcase show!
When:2-3pm SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Southwest Library

What: Dungeons & Dragons Club Everyone is welcome to attend the D & D group at Woods. We will be doing version 4 and using a paper grid. No experience necessary to join.
When:1-2pm SATURDAY, June 30th, 2012
Where:Woods Memorial Library
SUNDAY, July 1st, 2012
What:Summer Story Series Stories read in our Enchanted Relam WorldAuthor Joan Sandin reads her book Celebrate Arizona! Story time craft: Make a mini portrait collage celebrating Arizona’s Statehood. Children will receive a drawing of a child’s body with outstretched arms and a blank face. Children will need to draw their own portrait and then collage a mini newspaper clipping that announces Arizona’s Statehood between the outstretched arms.
When:2pm SUNDAY, July 1st, 2012
Where:The Mini-Time Machine |  4455 East Camp Lowell Drive
Cost:General $9 Senior (65 or older)/Military $8 Youth (ages 4-17) $6 Children 3 and under FREE

What:Picture This! Art for Families Learn about Arizona's vivid history through the 100 Years 100 Ranchers exhibition. Followed by a hands on studio experience in the Education Center. Families will create life drawing works of art, from rel life cowboys!  FREE program for children 6 – 12 years and their adult companions. Picture This! is sponsored by the Lovell Foundation.
When:1pm SUNDAY, July 1st, 2012
Where:140 N. Main Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85701 | 520.624.2333
Cost:FREE + Free admission to the museum!

What:Alice Adventures in Wonderland Play
When:1-2pm SUNDAY, July 1st, 2012
Where:Live Theatre Workshop 5317 E. Speedway Blvd.

What:Science Sunday-Find out the science of nutrition with UA Nutritional Services!.Remember, it's $2 admission all day every Science Sunday this summer!
When:Museum hours:9am-5pm SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 2012 Physics Favtory 12noon-3pm  SUNDAY, July 1st, 2012
Where:Children's Museum Tucson
 What: Wild West Stunt Show at Trail Dust Town
When:7pm, 8pm and 9pm showings
SUNDAY, July 1st, 2012
Where:Trail Dust Town 6541 E. Tanque Verde
Cost:FREE- donations accepted

What: Dungeons & Dragons Club Can't get enough fantasy? Try out our new Dungeons & Dragons Club where you'll be able to create your own heroes, battle monsters, and go on amazing adventures. Both beginners and experienced players welcome!
When:1-3pm SUNDAY, July 1st, 2012
Where:Murphy-Wilmot Library

What:Back to the Past A melodramatic spoof taken after Back to the Future
When:3pm and 6pm SUNDAY, July 1st, 2012
Where:Gaslight Theatre 7010 E. Broadway
Cost:Tickets $17.95 with various discounts

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