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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Logo Contest- Can you make a logo for Arizona Families?

I want to try out a new logo and I thought it would be fun to make it a contest.  I hope you agree.  This little blog is turning 2 years old this month and I thought since it has grown and I didn't design the first logo, it may be time for a change.

Here are the guidelines:

1. Design and submit a logo to me at arizonafamilies@hotmail.com You may submit more than one design but for the ultimate three final entries, only one entry will be chosen per person submitting.

2. Submit your design(s) to me before October, 13, 2012.  I will choose the final 3 options with the help of some of my close friends and family.

3.  The final 3 options will be voted for for the period of one week on Facebook based upon the number of distinct likes each photo of the logo receives.

4.  After one week of voting on Facebook, a winner will be chosen.  All 3 finalists will be required to give the logo design rights  to me and Arizona Families. I will also ask to make a signature design for me with the same background.

5. The prizes will be as follows: 1st place-6 months of advertising in Arizona Families Business Directory and (1) $50 Target Gift Card.  The other 2 finalists will receive (1) $25 Target Gift Card each.

6.  Contest is open to all US residents 18 and over.  This contest is sponsored by Arizona Families.  This contest is not sponsored by Target or any other entity.

I love Arizona, I love the desert that I live in  and I am open to all of your ideas so please start submitting.


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