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Friday, February 23, 2018

Ballet Tucson Presents Dance and Dessert {A Giveaway}

 Ballet Tucson Presents Dance and Dessert 
{A Giveaway}
Photo from Ballet Tucson Facebook Page Arizona Families has partnered with Ballet Tucson to give tickets in a giveaway and to attend in exchange for this information on our site.

WHAT: Ballet Tucson presents Dance and Dessert
Back by popular demand, Daniel Precup’s intense and passionate Carmen is the centerpiece of our end-of-season program.
This variety filled event culminates with the premiere of Mark Schneider’s western-themed ballet Saddle Up! featuring classic cowboy songs from the Bill Ganz Western Band. Gourmet dessert tastings are served at the conclusion of each show.


Friday, March 16 – 7:30 pm
Saturday, March 17 – 2:00 pm & 7:30 pm
Sunday, March 18 – 1:00 pm


General $45
Seniors/Students/Military $40
Groups $35

Order by phone: 800.838.3006
Order online: www.brownpapertickets.com

Enter to win a pair of tickets for this ultimate pairing of ballet and delectable goodies in this GIVEAWAY BELOW Your choice of performance date and time


  1. I would say I'm the ballet aficionado in my little family... along with my mother :) We love watching ballet recitals and I wish my 5 year old daughter was still interested in taking ballet classes but she now wants to try gymnastics ;)

  2. My wife is the one who enjoys and appreciates ballet. I would love to take her.

    Michael Romo

  3. My 2 daughters are both taking ballet. I also danced ballet when I was younger.

  4. My daughter and I!


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