Friday, November 18, 2011

Get a $100 certificate for $25 and Starbucks- no fee at COINSTAR

We save quite a bit of change around our house and I am not talking about the kids' piggy banks.  My husband and I are change hoarders-buried alive so we have enlisted the help of Coinstar.  What is Coinstar?

It is the kiosk you see in many grocer stores (locations HERE) that you dump your change in and it sorts it and let's you cash it out.

If you cash out for real dinero -there is a fee but often there are specials to cash out for gift certificates without a fee- of course I HATE paying fees- I mean, is there a coupon for that fee?

So right now through 11/24/11 you can cash in $25 worth of change and get $100 worth of certificates- no fees!-  If you are unfamiliar with check out a previous post of mine HERE.

   Here is all the info. about the current Coinstar promo 

In addition, they have just added Starbuck's to their list of cashing-in companies and right now no fees to change your change into cafe..or tea or a snazzy mug- whatever floats your boat at Starbucks!

Have you used Coinstar?

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