Saturday, September 3, 2016

Nutrisystem Turbo 10 Week 5 - Exercise? {A Review}

Nutrisystem Turbo 10 Week #5 Exercise?
 {A Review}

I was given the Nutrisystem Program for 3 months in exchange for my review and posts but like always the opinions and posts are all my own.

Nutrisystem Turbo has been a great journey for me and as I look at week #5 for this review, I realize that, for me, weight loss and getting healthy really does have a lot to do with the food choices I make. However, I decided that I wanted to step up the excercise. I LOVE to dance. In some other life, I was a professional dancer. In this life, I am still a dancer just one that performs in my living room and in Zumba class ;)
I started doing dance workouts on YouTube and going to my local YMCA (Ott Ymca in Tucson) to get my groove on and I think it is really helping to have more energy and keep up with my kids. I am also walking and jogging  ok, mainly walking almost every night. My teaching job helps me rack up the steps each weekday on my step tracker. I have set a goal of 15,000 minimum steps each day. I don't always make it but it really pushes me to do better and try to move more.
So, although Nutrisytem provides easy meals and snacks to keep me on track they also offer an app called NUMI that I use and it tracks activity, water and really helps me stay on track.I loving this program and it is encouraging to see some changes in my body and the way I feel.

This week, I lost  another 2 pounds! A total of 13 pounds in 5 weeks, 228 to 215-can't wait to be under 200!

Visit or call 1-800-435-4074
to find out more.

You may like to read why I chose this path:
Week #1 Review :
Week #2 Review:
Week #3 Review:
Week #4 Review:

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