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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Arizona Father's Day Deals and Events {2019)

Arizona Father's Day Deals and Events 

Lots of things in Arizona to do for Father's Day and and some great deals too!

ALL DEALS ARE GOOD FOR 6/16/19 unless noted 

BJ's Brewhouse - You know your Dad. He wants something Free for Father's Day. Better yet, a free pint glass. Treat him to a meal with us this weekend 6/15 or 6/16, and he'll LOVE the free limited edition pint glass he walks out with, especially since it will be paired with a VIP 20% Off Card valid 6/17-7/7.

Butterfly WonderlandCelebrate Father’s Day amongst 3,000 butterflies. Fathers receive $3.00 off admission at Butterfly Wonderland.

Children's Museum of Phoenix Free admission to all fathers and grandfathers all day. Info HERE

Children's Museum of Tucson - FREE Admission for dads INFO HERE

El CharroSalud a el papa con los chistes no tan chistosos. Celebra a papa en El Charro Café! 
Cheers to the not so funny Dad jokes, celebrate dad at El Charro Cafe with 1/2 off drafts and kids eat free! (Two kids per regular priced entree) 
#sicharro #fathersday #kidseatfree

Get Air Tucson ~Happy Father’s Day to all dads! Don’t forget if you come into the park dads jump free today with a paying child. Visit getairsports.com/locations to find your local park. 
*This is an in the park offer. Mention deal upon check-in to redeem.

Funtasticks- To all the Dads, we thank you for being the strong arm of the family! Your efforts surely do not go unnoticed! #ComeOutandPlay for FREE on Father's Day!

Hooters~ Dad will unwrap this gift in a hurry! Buy any 10 wings for Dad, get 10 boneless FREE! #FathersDay

Little Anthony's Diner ~ Free dessert as listed above for dad with purchase of a meal for him :)

OdySea Aquarium
Dad doesn’t want another tie, card, or soap-on-a-rope this year. Bring him to OdySea for an experience everyone will remember. Don’t forget to say “Happy Father’s Day” to our 3 newest dads - Tux, Brooklyn, and Nacho, three African Black-Footed Penguins.
$10 Off General Admission For All Dads on Father's Day
(Discount given at Ticket Window)

Old TucsonTreat dad to a day in the Old West, where men and boys of all ages get in FREE to Old Tucson June 15 – 16! Plus enjoy whiskey tastings (additional fee) on Sunday, and a classic car show on SUNDAY from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., presented by Truly Nolen. What better gift for Father’s Day than food, spirits, cowboys and cars!

Pogo Pass- Get a summer full of fun and use it all year to visit 17 different valley locations for 60% off GO HERE and use the code AZFAM for the discount. Start using it right away!

SKATE Country Tucson- Dads skate free

Tohono Chul Park -  Free admission into the gardens for all fathers and grandfathers all day on Sunday, June 16. Come down and enjoy strolling the trails to see all the beautiful flowers in bloom. Don’t forget to visit the Museum Shops or the Exhibit House to see the latest art show and discover what the Garden Bistro has planned too!

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